Yowza! Got my 50th level on Dragoon, and decided it was about time to start my quests for the mighty purple artifact armor! Things were going great until I realized that I still had my RDM AF hands quest open, and had to finish that first. SO I gear up my RDM for optimal defense, so the BLU subjob was an obvious choice for me; ((Utsusemi)) ((Too Weak)). With the BLU subjob I cna gain a 33% Defense bonus for 3 minutes, coupled with Protect IV and my newest love, Tavnazian Tacos (more on these inna second), my RDM's total DEF is just about 638 defense. Loverly. Tavnazian Tacos cost ~25k for 12, and allow me to tank like a PLD, coupled with other defensive spells, Auto-Regen from the BLU subjob, and the spell Regen, I can actually be a formitalble tank, but sadly, not in an exp pt. With few hate spike abilities, I couldn't stand up against the barrage of WS and even normal damage done by other pt members. /sigh.
Now where was I? Oh yeah. AF. After I gear up my RDM/BLU, I grabbed a friend (Laf, thanks again) and teleported out to the dreaded Castle Zvahl Balieys. Popped DarkSpark, and went to work. I had assumed that I could hold hate vs a MNK/NIN but I was wrong ^^;. Laf ended up tanking that fight, and thankfully, I had equipped ((Head Butt)) to stun Darkspark. Even as a sj, BLU's Stun spell is VERY effective, not failing once, and sometimes topping 150 damage. Needless to say, DS hit laf maybe twice, and didn't manage to get ONE spell off. This pleased me to no end. Upon beating DS, I got my shadow flames, and aquired my RDM AF hands. Going back today for DRG hands, and I hope we do as well today as yesterday.
I popped 2 coffers yesterday as well, the Bohyada Tree coffer for my old gauntlets, and my Drachen Greaves Coffer from Quicksand Caves. Cant wait to use them ^^. I'm heading to Ifrit's Cauldron later today to grab my Drachen Mail, looks like a genocide of bees is upon us.
3300 Accounts Bannanated!
Yikes! SE just banned 3300 accounts, and seems to have been doing so every month! They were banned for using "Flee-tool" and other programs that allow abnormal movement speed, and It's reported that here on Shiva, the notorious "Superstar" RMT have been axed, as well as Mixion and Google. Expect another deflation period Shiva, our future looks bright.
In other news, I have finally taken Dragoon to 49 and earned the almighty "Penta Thrust"! I'm only 3000 experience points away from my 50th level, and I'm hoping to gain that tonight (as well as start my many Artifact quests). I've got an Ifrit's Cauldron coffer key to farm, as well as synthing some armor for sale, ON TOP of getting guild point items for stuff. Yikes. These next few days are going to keep me really busy. Full DRG AF ((Can I Have it?))
Chocobos, Gardening, Dragoons, oh my!
Well, after not gardening for a few months I've gotten back into it with tree cuttings. I had forgotten just how long it takes for these puppies to grow into saplings...and it's driving me insane. I've gotten past the second crystal feeding time, and I think they should be good soon. Debating over whether or not I'll make them into elemental ores, or just sell the saplings straight up. I wonder how the Ore market is...
My chocobo is still a pimply faced teen, and has gotten increasingly sluggish as time goes on, I wonder if it's because it's been both SICK and INJURED in the past week or so, hmm. I'm still holding out for a blue one, but CobaltAce is looking mighty yellow.
Dragoon! Back on my favoritest of jobs after quitting for a looong time. Managed to make some armor for it (signed it too, was kinda hoping for a HQ, but oh well), and I managed to get a pt where I was the tank, and I did a damn good job if I must say so. After a bit we got a NIN and I was finaly able to Berserk and DD with relative ease. Bla. Short post today cause I'm posting from class. I promise I'll make a decent post later on ^^;
Weee! Hurray for RL! Exams this week and lots o' other stuff (involving a nephew who may or may not be the spawn of some lesser demon, among other things). This weekend was a blast! Assaults, Sub-job leveling, MORE Assaults, and some random adventures!
Friday: Yey for Assault-Friday! We did 4, count em FOUR runs (the last I falled asleeps for but they did it anyway, such troopers)! Private First Class Assault: Pre-emptive Strike, a rather easy assault made complicated for the fact that it has two levels an upper level that has mobs that are nigh impossible to target from below, and a lower level that has Puks the do not de-pop when the Beastmaster Command "Leave" is issued (oh they aggro to, and love to do so). Our Mission was simple: Decimate the 13 (or was it 12...hmmm) Mamool Ja Executioners that roamed the two levels. Sounds easy right? Haha you fool. I lead this mission, so it was convoluded beyond all belief. We enter Mamook from the Mamool Ja Training grounds and get to work. It takes me a second or two to fing our first mark, but we made short work of him and moved on. Our Friendly neighborhood Spiderm-erm Beastmaster Cabanaboy (Aka Bana), made sure to charm one of the Puk Executioners that littered the area (there are 7 in all). We made our way around the top level until I thought I had cleared all of the Mamool Ja from there, then went to work down below. This was a mistake on my part. There was apparently another section of upper level that I had missed, so we spent the latter portion of the assault trying to target a SINGLE Mamool ja that was wandering around near the cave in which the rune of realse was situated, or rather WOULD be situated in, if we could only pull this little Mamool Ja the foolishly clings to his petty existence (Bitter? Naw). We cleared the assault with 30 seconds left on the timer, gaining a few more points toward our Superior Private Promotion.
Saturday: Saturday is a blurr for me, mainly because I was studying for the majority of that day. Meh.
Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!: WOW. This day was action packed! I had logged in around 11:00-noon that day, and was in the mood for a fight. Now, as I waited for the rest of our assaut team to get level 70, I had a itch that could only be scratched by a PFC assault, namely LAMIA NO.13!! (Bumm bumm buuummmmmmm bummmm BUUUUUMMM) I got on the /t and snagged the two members that had already hit level 70, Cabanaboy and YukonJack, and suggested we try our hand at an uncapped Lamia no.12 run. I had them grab a Merrow no.17's Locket, that would bolster us, and apparently our Fomor Friends, against the Lamia's Hip Sway Charmga move. I was the only member to go uncharmed ><. Bana got charmed a few times and went after my face with his axe, dispel took awhile to work because it has to peel away his OTHER buffs first, leaving Charm at the bottom of the list. How very annoying. Courier Carrie tanked this fight, and to my delight, Lamia no.13 is VERY susseptible to Gravity and DoT spells.

We won eventually, and reveled in the fact that it was our first tme there, and we won with three members, so we got 1800 points for this assault! Very Noice. The rest of my sunday was spent doing various things (read: Studying), and was a very enjoyable day overall ^^.
Ja Mata~ Yutaka
I was in Yuhtunga Jungle as my Ninja earlier today, when a strange occurance um.. occured. I had joined a party with a ...questionable set-up (THF NIN NIN((me)) THF WHM WHM), and we proceeded to the camp in which the pt leader had indicated. "H-6 {camp}" says the leader, and upon getting there, I realise that there is ANOTHER pt already there. I say to my pt "Let's not camp on these guys" which I get no response from my pt. SO. I find a member of the oter pt and explain the situation; he proceeds to shout.
(and yes, this is verbatim)
{Malistar}RMT's {Found it} H-6{Chiyoyo} {Run Away}{Kunai} Theres so many of them>>Demetrion: For the love of god spam my pt>>Demetrion: nvm thy're moving{Kunai} Look at all {Yhoator Jungle} they all RMT in here{Malistar} Lithos RMT {Found it!}{Saphra} What is RMT?Saphra Examines you.Raipais Examines you.Demetrion>> lol>> Demetrion: Help meeeee{Dirtyfratboy} Real world money trader{Kunai} Real money trader aka Gilseller{Saphra} How do you know RMT?>>Malistar: dude, shut up, I'm trying to talk to these incompotents (referring to my pt)Malistar>> Go to hell, you're camping on our spot>>Malistar: Not my fault, I've been telling them to moveThe conversation went on like this for awhile, with Malistar spouting off how I was an RMT, bla bla, at this point I disbanded from my pt and blisted Malistar. Now I've got to salvage my poor reputation with these nooblets here, and getting a pt has NOT been easy thus far. Managed to snag one with Dirtyfratboy, and it was fairly decent.
Let this be a lesson to all you out there, no matter how hard you try to fix a situation, an asshat will always be there to screw ya over, no matter how civil you try to be.
Onthe upside, my friend Kaimoria <3
Cheered me up and cooled me down.
thanks again Kai.
I suck at Ninjutsu
Ninja. I seriously hate this job. Unfortunatley for me, it's needed as a sub job for a lot of other jobs (WAR, COR, RNG, THF, RDM ; ;). So, I've dedicated some time to leveling this job and farming up the gil I need for this horribly expensive tank. There are some advantages to using the ninja subjob, being mainly ((Dual Wield)), and the ((Utsusemi)) series of ninjutsu. My RDM is a few levels from being able to access the full potential of all the subjobs, so I think it's about time I got them up to par. I've got to get WAR, NIN, BST, WHM, and BRD up to speed so I can get the most out of Red Mage.
I haven't been skilling up as much as I should, instead I've been focusing on the "Chains of Promathia" and "Rise of the Zilart" missions, needing the Diablos BC fight for the former, and "Divine Might" BC for the latter. They have great rewards associated with them, and I'd really like to get my hands on the Suppanomimi (Agility +2, "Enhances Dual Wield", Sword Skill +5), an AWESOME earring for RDM/NIN. CoP 3-5 grants access to the BCNM "Waking Dreams" which upon defeating, one gains the Ability to summon the terrestrial avatar "Diablos", and CoP 4-1, which allows access to the Tavnazian Safeholds outpost warp quest *Squee*. I'm trying to set up a CoP 3-5 run at the moment, and hopefully I get a reply soon. Most of CoP is capped, so I'd need to get /WHM up to speed for that for -aga class Cures, seing as how Diablos does AoE Sleep + 20hp/tick Bio. At lvl 40, 20hp/tick is a lot of HP. Or I could take WAR up seven levels and go WAR/NIN, loaning my considerably powerful Axes to the team. Or I could level NIN another 19 levels, and take that. Meh. We'll see.
Took NIN to 21 the other night with help of my friend ChokyBoky, I'm getting this sub out of the way first, mainly because I despise it SO MUCH (but it's slowly growing on me). Oh well.
Yutaka out.
Real Life Adventures: RAIN
There is something about rain that does things to people here in Texas. If even a TINY drop falls, all drivers on the roads turn to babbling idiots. Rants of “ZOMG APOCALYPSE” with even the slightest bit of moisture can convert even a civilized society into apes. Seriously, hitting a puddle does not warrant slamming on ones brakes and nearly causing a 12 car pileup.
Pedestrians act this way too, avoiding the water at all costs, like they are some long lost relative of the wicked witch of the west, even going so far as to use an umbrella in a light mist. I, myself, am from Seattle, land of the perpetual downpour, so this is really nothing to me. All day people have been commenting on my lack of rain gear (a “HOW I MINE FOR FISH” t-shirt and my obligatory snug blue jeans), with quips like
“Where is your umbrella, are you stupid or something?!”
“You’re going to catch hypothermia in this downpour!”
And my favorite,
Seriously now. It’s MIST. Sure, there may be the occasional thunderclap or bolt of lightning, but it’s just a little rain. Not the goddamn end of times here people. If you are one of the people who act like this I have advice for you.
There I said it. Stupid people frustrate me to no end. If you are a stupid person, do us all a favor and DO NOT REPRODUCE. The world has enough stupid people already, don’t add to the population. You can live a perfectly happy existence on your own, sitting in your parent’s basement eating nachos off of your chest while shouting like a monkey into your X-Box live headset. It’s not a great existence, but hey, you’re stupid. What do I care? I do not need you on the road, impeding my progress with your shitty driving, no less endangering the other drivers around you. I may sound a little harsh, but when you have had my string of jobs, all dealing with idiots of some sort, you’d see things my way too. Oh, and living in Seattle for years helps too (we’re all smarmy asses up there).
I just can’t wait to get home to check on my Chocobo and get reading (“Good to Eat”, a required reading for my Food, though, and culture class. Anthropology ftw!).
Oh, and if you weigh over 250lbs and do NOT wear a bra or carry an umbrella in wet weather in a white shirt, I totally reserve the right to end you. *shudder*
That goes for women too.
Yutaka out.~
Weekend Exploits :O
WOW! What an exciting weekend this has been! Friday I had my assault static, Saturday I had lot's of stuff, and sunday I had FU's Level 10 Alliance and Best Death Contest!
Friday: BAM. Our frist run at the Private Frist Class Assault Series. The assault we selected was "Orichalcum Survey", where you run through Leujaom Sanctum to mine a single Orichalcum Ore before the beastmen do. 30 minutes, 6 members, 60 cap. Fun. Our first run failed, mainly because we ran out of time, but mostly because the damn worms kept popping at the mining points we were searching for the ore. Okay, brushed it off and tried again. I was looking like we were going to fail this one too, but around 5 minutes till the mission was ended Tigerlily managed to mine up the ore and ran it to the the immortal to complete the assault! We did a quick run through the "Leaujaom Cleansing" Assault afterwards, but I couldn't attend beacuse I forgot to get my 4th tag earlier in the week.
Got a heafty ammount of assault points and fell asleep somtime during the run ><. Saturday: Got some NM camping done. Stuck myself out in ((Sea Serpent's Grotto)) and camped the ToD for the notorious monster "Charybdis" for the RDM Dream Sword ((Joyeuse)). I managed to get a pickup group and together we slayed the beast and it dropped the sword! Sadly for me, the other Red Mage in the party got the sword and I got Charybdis's time of death. Later that evening, some frinds and I got together and did 1vs1 uncapped Ballista! Me and Morgue were the first two up, I cames as RDM72/DRK36 and he came as WAR75/NIN37. Well, I have no real experience fighting Warriors in Ballista so got owned pretty badly on our first fight. Here were the rules: 1vs1, 2 buffs, no items. I chose Stoneskin and Phalanx for my two buffs (a really bad choice, as I would find out later), and Morgue chose Utsusemi and a Melee buff (I think it was Warcry)
. I popped my buffs and went to work. Started off with
)) to erase the shadows that his Utsusemi granted, and
)) to keep him from casting that Ninjutsu again.
Because I chose ((Stoneskin)) over ((Protect IV)), my main line of defence was dropped pretty quickly because of Morgue's inexorable Warriors need to sub the Ninja subjob, he had the ability to dual wield axes. Axes that hit rather hard. Axes that when used in conjuncion with the axe weaponskill "Rampage" tend to kill me quickly when I don't have a defensive buff. Round one went to Morgue. Round two came along and I changed my strategy a bit. Cast ((Protect IV)) and ((Phalanx)) on myself and did a round of debuffs on Morgue. I can honestly say, without my cure spells I would have been toast, Rampage hurts. The rest of our matches I won, with the final outcome of 2-1 me! After Lora and Morgue squared off, it was myself and Lora, with me as RDM72/DRK36 again and Lora as WAR75/NIN37. I figured I'd do the same routine as I did with Morgue, and for the most part it worked, except for a few times when being axed to the face interuppted my casting. I lost one match because I mashed my Spirits Within macro instead of my Vorpal Blade one, and got Rampaged. Wee! Jolly good fun!
After the match we decided to go hit Pso'Xja and farm some colored chips for Chains of Promathia Mission 3-5 "Darkness Named", a 40 cap BCNM vs. the lord of nightmares, Diablos. The chips we needed dropped from a particularly nasty enemy called a Diremite. These drop the grey chips needed to get the "Pso'Xja" key item one needs to enter the tower currently under investigation by the Tenshodo syndicate. They also drop the Rare/Ex item "Florid Stone", which is used to enter the ENM battle "Test your Mite". We managed to farm up two chips (one gray, one Cyan, dropped from the Snow Lizards nearby) and 4 Florid Stones.
Sunday: Today was eventful. Woke up and got Charybdis's ToD again, and gave it to my friend Morgue, thought I'm not sure if he got the monster though. Managed to snag an experience points party too, and got myself to 28432/38000 Experience Point to level 73! Only 10k to go! Around 3:00CST was the scheduled event for Fable Unity, my social linkshell. It was the "Level 10 dunes alliance and best death contest" today, so I hopped on my SAM and ran to valkurm dunes. We had a blast! I was dying left and right, monsters were slaying people all over the place, it was chaos, but it was fun. Nice to take ones mind off of endgame for awhile and just enjoy yourself ^^.
Oh! My Chocobo reached adolescence today! It's listening to the cure, wearing black eyeliner, and singing sad songs about girls! Yey for Emobos!
My next 75
As my RDM slowly (emphasis on slowly) grinds towards 75, I've been wondering about which job I should take to 75 next. I don't really have a lot of time to lvl a lot of jobs hat have poor invite rates (Dragoon and Dark Knight; two jobs I really enjoy) so I'm thinking of leveling either WHM (Shudder) of Paladin. Paladin seems like the logical choice for me, as Sword/Shield is my favorite weapon combo and I have both leveled rather far, so I will not have a real need to worry about skiling up either until 68+. I have WAR at 32 (used to be 37...yey Promyvion) so I won't need to level that until 37, and my linkshell group is also short on tank jobs, so I might be able to give something back to them.
Then there is everybody's favorite tank, the Ninja. Now, before I go on, I need to say that I LOATHE this job. With a passion. Like an angry woman. Blink tanking is NOT a reliable way to tank, and I much prefer taking the damage straight up, rather then shruging it off with shadows. Hell, I tank RDM/WAR like a PLD; Blink + Stoneskin + Aquaveil + Protect IV + Phalanx (<3) + Defender = A very reliable Red Mage tank. I may not have the tools of hate (flash, Shield Bash), but I really enjoy tanking like this.
I think I answered my own question. PLD it is. >.>;;
Notorious Monsters? I think not.
Well, I'm bored in class, so I thought I'd post my Notorious Monster Hitlist. These are ones that I have killed personally, in a group or solo, though I will not list the Dynamis NM's, as they are stupid :O
Here we go~
Abyss Sahagin
Adaman Quadav
Altedour I Tavnazia
Ancient Gobbue
Ancient Vessel
Ancient Weapon
Antican Consul
Antican Legatus
Archlich Taber'quoan
Armsmaster DekbukInvunerable MazzgozzKeeneyed Aufwuf Spawned Together for BCNM60: DIsmemberment BrigadeLongarmed GottdittMind's-eye KulwugUndefeatable SappdappAroma Crawler
Asphyxiated Amsel
Axsairon the Wanderer
Baron Vapula
Baronet Romwe
Bat Eye
Bendigeit Vran
Berried Chigoe
Beryl-Footed Molberry
Bigmouth Billy
Bisqued-Heeled Sunberry
Black Coney
Black Dragon
Black Triple Stars
Blind Moby
Bloodpool Vorax
Bloodtear Baldurf
Blubbery Bulge
Bo'Who Warmonger
Bonze Marberry
Boreal Coeurl
Boreal Hound
Boreal Tiger
Brigandish Blade
Bu'Ghi Howlblade
Bubbly Bernie
Cargo Crab Collin
Chaos Elemental
Climbpix Highrise
Count Bifrons
Crushed Crause
Crypt Ghost
Cyranuce M. Cutauleon
Da'Dha Hundredmask
Dame Blanche
Dark Dragon
Dark Spark
Deadly Dodo
Diamond Quadav
Doppleganger Dio
Dread Dragon
Drooling Daisy
Dune Widow
Eyy Mon the Eyebreaker
Forseer Oramix
Foul Meat
Fungus Beetle
Ga'Bhu Unvanquished
Gambilox Wanderling
Garuda Prime
Ge'Dha Evileye
Genbu (lolGenbu)
Gerwitz's Axe
Gerwitz's Soul
Gerwitz's Sword
Geyser Lizard
Golden Bat
Guardian Crawler
Guardian Treant
Gugru Orubon
Hawkeyed Dnatbat
Hercules Beetle
Hoo Mjoo The Torrent
Huu Xalmo the Savage
Ifrit Prime
Illusory Pot
Jaggedy-Earred Jack
Jammer Leech
Jolly Green
Juggler Hecatomb
Juu Duzu the Whirlwind
Kalamainu Spawned Together for BCNM30: Petrifying Pair
Keeper of Halidom
Korralokka Leech
Leaping Lizzy
Leech King
Legendary Weapon
Leviathan Prime
Lumber Jack
Magic Sludge
Maighdean Uaine
Mee Deegi the Punisher
Morion Worm
Mother Globe (Primary Mob)
Slave Globe (Pet of Mother Globe)
Mysticmaker Profblix
Ni'Ghu Nestfender
No'Mho Crimsonarmor
Noble Mold
Novvv the Whitehearted
Olla Grande
Olla Media Different Stages of the Same Notorious Monster
Olla Penquena
Overlord Bakgodek
Owl Guardian
Panzer Percival
Plague Chigoe
Poisonhand Gnadgad
Purpleflash Brudok
Ramuh Prime
Rose Garden
Ruby Quadav
Shadow Lord
Sozu Rogberry
Spiny Spipi
Steam Cleaner
Stining Sophie
Stray Mary
Titan Prime
Tom Tit Tat
Tzee Xicu the Manifest
Vaa Huja the Erudite
Valkurm Emperor
Waraxe Beak
Warchief Vagit
Western Shadow
Western Sphinx Pop together for Bastok Mission: Return of the Talekeeper
Eastern Sphinx
Yara Ma Yha Who
Za'Dha Adamantking
Zhuu Muxu the Silent
Zi'Ghi Boneeater
Wow. Thats a lot of NM's.
201 to be exact. Not quite enough for my tastes :D
Skillup madness! MADNESS!
Logged out in The Boyhada Tree yesterday afternoon, and upon my return that evening, I stumbled on to a skillup party! After competing for Robber Crabs for awhile, I asked if they had any room (mainly because they could outclaim me every time >.>;), they said yes, and were delighted to have another refresher. I don't know if it's that I'm not casting as much in a party, or something else, but I got ~15 Dagger skill levels in that party (139 - 154). After about an hour I had to change my PC (complicated) and upon my return they had disbanded a mere 5.8 skill points till Dagger 160. At this point I was sleepy, so I logged out and hit they hay.
Got myself some breakfast and a cuppa coffee and decided I'd get those last few points to Dagger 160. Thats around the skill level that I'd be fighting Lesser Colibri in Wajoam Woodlands so I gave them a try. Popped my usual RDM buffs, hit the Colibri with some debuffs (Frost for AGI down, Dia II for Defense down, and Blind because I really don't like to be hit), and went to work. First hit I got a .4 skillup followed by a .1 shield skillup. I got giddy! I found a nice alternative to Robber Crabs that arent as heavily camped, and that I can easily solo. Took me one hour and a few lost connections, but I got my Dagger skill to 160! Only 70 more skill levels to go.
Todays Spoils: (Morning)
Kindred Seals: 5 (13 Total)
Beastmen's Seals: 1 (22 Total)
Colibri Beaks: 2
Colibri Feathers: 5
Dagger Skill levels: 6.3(160.4)
Shield Skill levels: .3 (103)
Parry Skill levels: .1 (91)
Healing Skill levels: .3 (202.2)
Life's a Garden...
This whole Chocobo raising thing is currently VERY expensive. 30k for a SINGLE CARROT. I may have to beat someone, rather severly *SPIKEBUCKLERTOTHEFACE*. This is that fate of all 'new' items that hit the game, and players have a high demand for them, because the recipie for growing them in the comfort of you r own MogHouse are sometimes a closely guarded secret. This rampant inflation of new items should disappear soon, but until then it seems to be a hassle to afford even the most basic of items needed to feed your tiny yellow chicken. The Gardeners in Bastok Mines have supplies for the chobobo feed, and if you cook you can make a pretty penny just growing the veggies and synthing them into various pastes. Today I will share with you (in the hopes of lowering the prices of some of these items >.>;;) the recipies I used to grow the Chocobo feed.
Zegham Carrots!
Ceramic Flowerpot + Wildgrass Seeds + Ice Crystal = ~11 Zegham Carrots
Arcane Flowerpot + Wildgrass Seeds + Ice Crystal = 10 Zegham Carrots
Vomp Carrots!
Porcelain Flowerpot + Wildgrass Seeds + Earth Crystals = 9-10 Vomp Carrots
Gregarious Worms!
Brass Flowerpot + Wildgrass Seeds + No Crystal = 5 Gregarious Worms
Cupid Worms!
Brass Flowerpot + Wildgrass Seeds + Light Crystal = 5 Cupid Worms
Azouph Greens/Sharug Greens!
Earthen Flowerpot + Wildgrass Seeds + Lightning Crystal + No Crystal = 11-19 Azouph Greens or 17-20 Sharug Greens
Thats about all the recipies I can remember offhand at the moment, but if I remember more I'll post them here. And thats about it for gardening today ^^
Now, recently I've been having problems with my network connection on the PC in my room. Thinking that the problem was the wireless router downstairs, I called up time-Warner and got them to bring a new router to my home. Well, swapping the thing out didn't do any good; I'm still disconnectng every 30 minutes. So, hoping that the issue is NOT my PC, I install FFXI on another computer, and whatddya know, no disconnects. I guess I'll spend my day today Re-installing windows *Shudder*, and maybe just starting from scratch, wiping my HDD completely. If nothing else, it gives me a few hours to study ^^;
First Post! AKA Farming and me
Well, woke up this morning all tired-like and decided it was time to farm. Now, I'm not used to farming anymore, as most of my gil came from KSNM runs as BLM75. BLM is on hold because meriting is a very tedious thing to do, and it's MAINLY on hold because in an HNMLS, you are going to always be second in hate behind a tank, thus the second to die a grizzly death at the hands of a plethora (not necesarilly of piniatas) of horrible creatures hell bend on eating your face, and thus, going to die. A lot. So, back on track now, I was talking about farming right? Yeah. Thats it.
After taking a look at, I decided I could farm quite comfortably in Pashow Marshlands. So I gear up my RDM72/THF33 (yeah, I'm gimp. So what? Wanna make something of it?), snag an Imperial Silver Piece from my good friend Ugrihd for 100ISP, then tele by way of Kaiduru-Haiduru to Bastok Metalworks. Thinking a Dagger would be a better tool for farming then my W.W. Anelace, I pop by my Moghouse and dig out an old treasure that I won from a difficult battle. My pretty little Garuda's Dagger. This thing is sweet. Having only 138 dagger skill (also gimp), I don't get a chance to use it as often as I'd like to, so farming with it is really fun. Low Delay, +AGI stats and a nifty little added effect that I played around with for about an hour this morning. More on this later.
So I arrive in Pashow Marshlands after a brief stint through Gustagerg via Chocobo. So I decided earler that I'd farm Gobbue, Thread Leech, and Bees. I COULD bring my 33THF out here, I think the drops are better if you're closer to the range of the mobs you fight, but then I couldn't be lasy and tear through the mobs with relative ease. Gobbue are my favorite target here, mainly because they fall on top of me when they die >.>, while the occasional elemental makes for good fun with en-spells. So in preperation of the oncoming genocide, I pop protect IV, Haste, and En-Thunder and get to work. First Gobbue down I get a Tree Cutting (10k single, 133k a stack) and promptly scream "ZOMG Tree Cutting!" to my empty Linkshell group. Managed to snag two of these cuttings today, and I'll be growing them into Tree Saplings (25k single, 317k Stack). Found a ??? near a marsh that said "A sickle is required to harvest here" or something to that degree. I'll look it up later, with great hopes that it is some kind of popped NM of some sort. Those kinds of things make me all giddy, as NM (or Notorious Monsters) are really fun to try to get to appear, and normally have some cool drops.
After a bit, I noticed the added effect of my Garuda's Dagger went off 4/5 hits. THis puzzled me. Thinking it had been the bit of Sharug Greens I ate earlier, I flew into a frenzy. I was slaying things left and right, just to see if the increased proc rate of the added effect was a result of the food, or some other outside source. Once the Greens wore off, it was still a really good proc rate, so I looked at my stats, Moonphase (88%), and finally, the day. It was Windsday, and seeing as how Garuda is the Avatar of wind, it figures that that was the reason for the (Dramatically) increased proc rate. It was all "*Fizzle* the Goblin Leecher is now silenced." And it made me giggle seeing that happen over and over again.
Todays Totals: (Morning)
Tree Cuttings: (2) = 20k
Boyhada Moss: (7) = 4.9k
Beehive Chips: (12) = 10k
Overall Total: 34.9k
Happy Hunting!