First Post! AKA Farming and me
Well, woke up this morning all tired-like and decided it was time to farm. Now, I'm not used to farming anymore, as most of my gil came from KSNM runs as BLM75. BLM is on hold because meriting is a very tedious thing to do, and it's MAINLY on hold because in an HNMLS, you are going to always be second in hate behind a tank, thus the second to die a grizzly death at the hands of a plethora (not necesarilly of piniatas) of horrible creatures hell bend on eating your face, and thus, going to die. A lot. So, back on track now, I was talking about farming right? Yeah. Thats it.After taking a look at, I decided I could farm quite comfortably in Pashow Marshlands. So I gear up my RDM72/THF33 (yeah, I'm gimp. So what? Wanna make something of it?), snag an Imperial Silver Piece from my good friend Ugrihd for 100ISP, then tele by way of Kaiduru-Haiduru to Bastok Metalworks. Thinking a Dagger would be a better tool for farming then my W.W. Anelace, I pop by my Moghouse and dig out an old treasure that I won from a difficult battle. My pretty little Garuda's Dagger. This thing is sweet. Having only 138 dagger skill (also gimp), I don't get a chance to use it as often as I'd like to, so farming with it is really fun. Low Delay, +AGI stats and a nifty little added effect that I played around with for about an hour this morning. More on this later.
So I arrive in Pashow Marshlands after a brief stint through Gustagerg via Chocobo. So I decided earler that I'd farm Gobbue, Thread Leech, and Bees. I COULD bring my 33THF out here, I think the drops are better if you're closer to the range of the mobs you fight, but then I couldn't be lasy and tear through the mobs with relative ease. Gobbue are my favorite target here, mainly because they fall on top of me when they die >.>, while the occasional elemental makes for good fun with en-spells. So in preperation of the oncoming genocide, I pop protect IV, Haste, and En-Thunder and get to work. First Gobbue down I get a Tree Cutting (10k single, 133k a stack) and promptly scream "ZOMG Tree Cutting!" to my empty Linkshell group. Managed to snag two of these cuttings today, and I'll be growing them into Tree Saplings (25k single, 317k Stack). Found a ??? near a marsh that said "A sickle is required to harvest here" or something to that degree. I'll look it up later, with great hopes that it is some kind of popped NM of some sort. Those kinds of things make me all giddy, as NM (or Notorious Monsters) are really fun to try to get to appear, and normally have some cool drops.
After a bit, I noticed the added effect of my Garuda's Dagger went off 4/5 hits. THis puzzled me. Thinking it had been the bit of Sharug Greens I ate earlier, I flew into a frenzy. I was slaying things left and right, just to see if the increased proc rate of the added effect was a result of the food, or some other outside source. Once the Greens wore off, it was still a really good proc rate, so I looked at my stats, Moonphase (88%), and finally, the day. It was Windsday, and seeing as how Garuda is the Avatar of wind, it figures that that was the reason for the (Dramatically) increased proc rate. It was all "*Fizzle* the Goblin Leecher is now silenced." And it made me giggle seeing that happen over and over again.
Todays Totals: (Morning)
Tree Cuttings: (2) = 20k
Boyhada Moss: (7) = 4.9k
Beehive Chips: (12) = 10k
Overall Total: 34.9k
Happy Hunting!
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