Weee! Hurray for RL! Exams this week and lots o' other stuff (involving a nephew who may or may not be the spawn of some lesser demon, among other things). This weekend was a blast! Assaults, Sub-job leveling, MORE Assaults, and some random adventures!Friday: Yey for Assault-Friday! We did 4, count em FOUR runs (the last I falled asleeps for but they did it anyway, such troopers)! Private First Class Assault: Pre-emptive Strike, a rather easy assault made complicated for the fact that it has two levels an upper level that has mobs that are nigh impossible to target from below, and a lower level that has Puks the do not de-pop when the Beastmaster Command "Leave" is issued (oh they aggro to, and love to do so). Our Mission was simple: Decimate the 13 (or was it 12...hmmm) Mamool Ja Executioners that roamed the two levels. Sounds easy right? Haha you fool. I lead this mission, so it was convoluded beyond all belief. We enter Mamook from the Mamool Ja Training grounds and get to work. It takes me a second or two to fing our first mark, but we made short work of him and moved on. Our Friendly neighborhood Spiderm-erm Beastmaster Cabanaboy (Aka Bana), made sure to charm one of the Puk Executioners that littered the area (there are 7 in all). We made our way around the top level until I thought I had cleared all of the Mamool Ja from there, then went to work down below. This was a mistake on my part. There was apparently another section of upper level that I had missed, so we spent the latter portion of the assault trying to target a SINGLE Mamool ja that was wandering around near the cave in which the rune of realse was situated, or rather WOULD be situated in, if we could only pull this little Mamool Ja the foolishly clings to his petty existence (Bitter? Naw). We cleared the assault with 30 seconds left on the timer, gaining a few more points toward our Superior Private Promotion.
Saturday: Saturday is a blurr for me, mainly because I was studying for the majority of that day. Meh.
Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!: WOW. This day was action packed! I had logged in around 11:00-noon that day, and was in the mood for a fight. Now, as I waited for the rest of our assaut team to get level 70, I had a itch that could only be scratched by a PFC assault, namely LAMIA NO.13!! (Bumm bumm buuummmmmmm bummmm BUUUUUMMM) I got on the /t and snagged the two members that had already hit level 70, Cabanaboy and YukonJack, and suggested we try our hand at an uncapped Lamia no.12 run. I had them grab a Merrow no.17's Locket, that would bolster us, and apparently our Fomor Friends, against the Lamia's Hip Sway Charmga move. I was the only member to go uncharmed ><. Bana got charmed a few times and went after my face with his axe, dispel took awhile to work because it has to peel away his OTHER buffs first, leaving Charm at the bottom of the list. How very annoying. Courier Carrie tanked this fight, and to my delight, Lamia no.13 is VERY susseptible to Gravity and DoT spells.

We won eventually, and reveled in the fact that it was our first tme there, and we won with three members, so we got 1800 points for this assault! Very Noice. The rest of my sunday was spent doing various things (read: Studying), and was a very enjoyable day overall ^^.
Ja Mata~ Yutaka
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