Wooo Update!
Posting from class cause I R teh bored!!11That also means no pics for now!
Wow. Good times, good times. I've done the unthinkable and gotten 75 back for my BLM, and am working on capping my EXP so I don't hear that "Angry cat" de-lvl noise. [color=green]{[/color]Burst II[color=red]}[/color] is back in my hands, and I think I may merit some more before I shelf BLM again.
Big exam coming up, so I don;t have a lot of time to actually play, though I find myself logging in to join in the wonderful, high class, and intellectual banter of my LS.
PFFFFFFTTTT!!! HAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, couldn't say that with a strait face. We goof off a lot in my LS, but it's good to have a nice relaxed environment to hang around in whilst studying. They're a bunch of great guys (and gals....I think)!
Yesterday I decided to help Chiitaru get her Penitent's Rope, an item very much needed for the many mage jobs. How did we get this? BCNM60 "Wild Wild Whiskers", vs on very ill tempered Coeurl. We did 3 runs, and only one of which yielded the much coveted Rope. It dropped on my orb, so I donated mine to Chiitaru in exchange for her undying devotion to my plot for world domination (kidding, kidding >.>). The setup was myself(sexified RDM), Chiiru(BLM), and Isadora(NIN). The trick to winning this BCNM is to silence the Coeurl at the start of the fight. This keeps him from casting tier III -ga magic, but somehow or another he can still cast the ancient magic "Burst". It has a VERY long casting time (17 seconds), letting Isa wail on it with katana while Chiitaru layered some elemental DoT. Our last run lasted 8 minutes or so, and a very delighted Chiitaru walked off with a brand new belt! Put it to good use Chitaru!
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