Monday, October 09, 2006

Long time coming

Wewt. Obtained 57 DRG this week, as well as some fun stuff in CoP, AS WELL as picked up a new craft. Been awhile since I've posted, so let's get cracking.

Last week I started to exp in Wajaom Woodlands, against a mob called "Lesser Colobri", a pink toucan sam that can eat the food right outta your belleh. Not particularly nasty, but their "Pecking Flurry" WS can be devastating to a NIN tank with no shadows. These are also hard on NIN tanks because the NIN can't use food to boost ATK to boost hate, so Colibri require more attention from the entire party, pulling hate off the tank can be dangerous, as my new foray into melee jobs is making me increasingly aware of. That means holding back on the actual ammount of damage I do, sometimes even turning from the bird alltogether; pumping out a 500+ Penta Thrust kinda gets a mobs attention, and when Super Jump isn't up, it can be downright suicidal. OH! On the topinc of death, I also got some nice experience as a SATA partner of a particularly energetic THF, who saw fit to pump out 800+ SATA'd Viper Bites off of me, regardless of whether or not my Jumps were up. Needless to say, this party kept me on my toes. An odd thing about this party was the completly relaxed atmosphere. Everyone knew thier jobs VERY well, with the exception of the DRK, who insisted on partying in full Artifact Armor (minus the helm, the only actual GOOD DRK AF >.>), though in his defence, I must say that his timing of ABS-TP was very well placed, and dispite his abbhorent accuracy, managed to keep his TP up with mine (and occasionaly out TPing me...damn Feather Tickle ><). Our Skillchain was Vorpal Scythe -> Penta Thrust = Compression (which did ~170 when it was unresisted). Vorpal Scythe put out some decent numbers, as did my Penta Thrust (500+ consistently, with the occasional 60 >.>), and sometimes the THF would SATA right afterwards, resulting in a nearly dead bird. If Super Jump was up at the time, I'd Jump and shed hate back on to the NIN, who instinctually knew to Provoke after my Jump. I love it when a plan comes together. Pulled down 9.2k experience points an hour, which made up for my recent lack of invites.

On to CoP! We did Promyvion-Vazhl yesterday, and it was a BLAST. A few deaths on the way to the spire (damn holla boss kept spamming some AoE DMG WS, though I had filters on at the time, and thus was unable to see which one), which was to be expected. Upon reaching the spire, we came up with a plan and went to work. Stared with the Holla boss (bastard) because he is the hardest of the three. Went fairly smooth, mainly becuase everyone remembered poison potions and holy waters. The Mea Boss aggro'd us at 20% and our WHM had a Hysteroamina on hand, which was good, because it causes the mob to run around like an idiot for a few seconds, allowing us to kill the Holla Boss. When Mea was at 20% Dem aggro'd, and well, a quick freeze from the BLM did Mea in, and allowed us to move quickly to Dem. Did a Call Wyvern, let him get TP, then (attempted) to Self SC. The plan was to go Penta Thrust > Spirit Surge > Double Thrust = Transfixtion (LV1 Light). It would have been a wonderful end to a great battle, but I screwed it up and my Wyvern did a breath attack, wasting all the glorious TP. We won in the end with zero deaths (in the spire >.>), and I obtained the title "Frozen Dead Body". *Glee*

On the topic of equips, I managed to wrangle the rest of my Artifact Armor thanks to my Assault static (thanks again guys), and a fellow DRG. Also borrowed a Scorpion Harness from a friend, and it's making my party experiences VERY nice. With sushi I'm coming out at around 75-80% ACC, which is very good for a DD my level (I think >.>).

I'm also searching for 5 VERY RARE items, dropped from a new High Notorious Monster. The items I need are 5 Hydra Scales, dropped from, you guessed it, Hydra. This item isn't even LISTED in the Auction House, but I'm keeping an eye out for them. I'm looking to commision a set of Hydra Mail, which is GREAT DRG armor, offering lots of ACC, ATK, and VIT, all great for the solo DRG. The total stats for this wonderful set are:

Hydra Mail
(Body) All Races
DEF: 49 DEX +3 AGI +3 Accuracy +9 Evasion +9
Physical Damage Taken -3%
Magic Damage Taken -3%
Lv. 72 SAM / DRG

Hydra Finger Gauntlets
(Hand) All Races
DEF: 20 VIT +3 Accuracy +5
Attack +3 Evasion +5
Magic Damage Taken -2%
Lv. 72 SAM / DRG

Hydra Greaves
(Feet) All Races
DEF: 22 VIT +2 AGI +2
Accuracy +2 Attack +2 Evasion +2
Physical Damage Taken -2%
Lv. 72 SAM / DRG

Hydra Cuisses
(Leg) All Races
DEF: 36 DEX +2 VIT +2
Accuracy +3 Evasion +3
Physical Damage Taken -3%
Lv. 72 SAM / DRG

Hydra Mask
(Head) All Races
DEF: 30 DEX +1 AGI +2
Accuracy +5 Evasion +5
Magic Damage Taken -2%
Lv. 72 SAM / DRG

Wow. I'm in love. That last piece, the Hydra Mask, is a currently unknown synth, but I don't think it involves scales. This is a big undertaking, and is the current goal I'm working towards. If anyone knows where I can get a few hydra scales, let me know, I have all the other items required to make them.

Well ,thats all for this edition. Tune in next time when I forget to update yet again!


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