MPK! MPK!!!!
Apparently they're manaburning the Wivre at Nyzul Isle, and...well let's just say I now love the new hate system.
What they do, is they have a WHM puller, who runs around flashing ALL OF THE WIVRE. Drives me nuts. Anyways, then they are slept by one of the BLM, then they all -aga them. NOW. Due to the wierdness of the new hate system, they tend to go...unclaimed while slept.
Well, I decided to put an end to their Wivre hogging.
Soon as they went unclaimed, I cast Poisonga. BAM. All the Wivre awaken and flatten the alliance of taru BLM. After two or three times they just DC'd.
Score one for the good guys.

Just a quickie post today, so much stuff to do for graduation!
Did a Dynamis Windurst run with my shiny new shell, and, despite a minor hiccup involving a BLM and a squad of yagudo, we got the win! ALSO, I got these:
Needless to say, I'm a very happy person!
2/5 Dark Knight after two runs really makes the blood run!
Sky oh My.
Yowza! Lots has happened since my last post! Because of a scheduling problem, I had left my old EndGame shell "DLV", and I was taken in by a Sky shell lots of my friends are in: Lollipop Kids. It's a sky linkshell, and does the occasional NM. They have an attached dynamis shell and Limbus shell too!
Now, to the good stuff.
My first order of business was a saturday in sky with them. LOTS of fun. We managed to get one of every pop item save Despot, who we got tuesday before an awesome god run (more on that later). These guys are incredible! The coordination they display is
After the sky trigger farming run, we went up to Xarcabard for a little dynamis farming. Now, unknown to me at the time, I was the ONLY DRK in the shell. While we only had 2 BLM for the wall of eyes, we somehow managed to kill them all, and farmed out to the end of the time limit. Which was awesome, because near the end of the run, a ABYSS BURGEONET dropped, which I was allowed to lot. Yey! Hardest DRK relic obtained, and on my first run!
Next run out I went to Simurgh with Cauter, Lollirot, and some others as we camped vs the RMT that are always out there. We got claim, I tanked it a bit as DRK, but alas, no drop T_T
Fast forward to this tuesday. God run! We had a great turnout, and I even got 2 abjurations nobody wanted! I'm now the proud owner of a Adaman Celata and a pair of Adaman Solerettes!
2 Seiryu and some Kirin are left over, and I hope to get a hecabody abjuration or Crimson hands (though I'm not getting my hopes up).
Heir to the Throne
Well well well, my time in Vana'diel has been jam packed with adventure as of late!
I've set aside a lot of time to level a melee damage dealer to 75, and I've chosen my lovable Dark Knight, which after a long leveling spree, is now 3600 experience points from level 74. Wee!
I've spent a lot of gil trying to be the best DRK I can be, and I do mean a LOT. I've got a way to go til I can buy a
Plastron though, but I'm working my way there! (That is, if I don't blow my gil on a Gold Algol first >_>)
Dark Knight has been a very large trial for me, mainly in the area of Weaponskill points. But lucky for me, I've got great friends to help me out along the way. When I needed my scythe of trials cleaned, Morbo helped my smash some crabs to break the latent, and when my sword of trials was ready to a good scrubbing, Shairi and her awesome Regen skills allowed me to tank as a DRK, and the latent on my Sword was broken some three hours later.
The notorious monsters were trouble too. I joined a WSNM run with my endgame shell DLV, and we did the two WSNM in the area: Decimation and Spiral Hell. It took me some time to get people rallied together to smush my Ground Strike WSNM "Maharaja", but I logged in lst night to find people ready and more then willing to crush some fangs (I ate a Razor Fang that took me from 80% hp to zero...guess I should have subbed ninja <_>). Thanks again guys!