Woo. Been awhile since my last post, finals came and went, and I've been kinda busy with DRG. I KNOW I said I'd lvl a tank job, but I'm enjoying DRG too much!Got a semi static going with fellow FU member Reddrag, and it's going good! I hit 69 a few days ago and I think I'll push for 70 today.
On the topic of 70DRG, I've bought these goodies:

As it stands I've got a good amount of TP gain, mainly when double attack procs on a Jump or High Jump. Not sure if I'm ready to say goodbye to my bright orange Assault Jerkin though...
Smithing has been fairly good to me as of late, people are still purchasing my Thick armor from my bazaar, and it's a steady source of income.
/sigh, I rarely rant anymore, so I think it's time to rectify that.
What in Gods name has happened to being polite?! This week I was exping on sea puk out at the Mamool Ja Staging Point with an LS member and some friends. We had that camp on the ramp leading away from the gate, and for awhile things went smooth. Now, I'm not normally one to drop names of people that wrong me, but these guys were just being asses. I guess what happened was that a few YellowCake members (this is by no means a slam against yellowcake, just the few asshats that were involved) decided to Merit that day, and they were originally camped outside of Mamook on the hill. Fine. No problem there. The trouble started when they decided it would be a good idea to come camp on top of us. I had asked them to move, as the zone was not crowded yet (3 parties lawl) and they immediately went on the defensive. Achillies, their WHM, thought it would be funny to be a dick and say "this is not camping on top of you, THIS is" and moves DIRECTLY on top of us. Words were exchanged, and we continued to party. These guys seemed to think they owned every mob in the zone. Sleeping up to 5 at a time, using logic like "Everyone here does this" and getting angry at us when a mob wakes up and kills them. Heavens no, it wasn't their asshole tactics that did this. It HAD to be us. More words were exchanged (Bodil, our fantastic WAR, just smiled and nodded at them. Killing with kindness as he put it), and then it started to get really bad. I have NO PROBLEM being outpulled. But when the opposing side says "<^> It's about skill", I get more then a little pissed off. I can't speak about all of yellowcake, but some of it's members need to seriously be reprimanded. I know if I run an LS my members wouldn't be out there soilung the name of a good LS. Oh well.
Assault static is still doing great, up to Corporal rank now ^^
Okay, /rant off. See ya next time.